Bring together these important job-search tools.

LinkedIn is more than just a professional networking site. Profiles are also used for headhunting by recruiters, and the site itself contains thousands of job vacancies for which you can apply directly. To make this easier, there are various options for tying your CV to your LinkedIn profile; the best method for you depends on what you're trying to achieve. Take a look at these options, alongside our evaluation of the pros and cons of uploading your CV to LinkedIn in the first place.

Option 1: Upload your CV to your profile

A CV uploaded directly to your profile is not used when you apply for jobs from LinkedIn, but it can be seen and downloaded by everyone who views your page. To add your CV this way:

  1. Log on and select the option to view your profile. (Clicking on your profile picture will do it.)

  2. Click on the blue 'Add a profile section' button.

  3. Expand the 'Features' menu and choose 'Media' at the bottom.

  4. Select your CV file to upload from the window that pops up.

  5. Hit the 'Save' button.

Option 2: Upload your CV for general job applications

You can also change your settings to store versions of your CV on LinkedIn, leaving them ready to send off directly to recruiters. CVs uploaded this way are not visible on your public profile. To do this:

  1. Log on to your homepage and click 'Me', then 'Settings and Privacy'.

  2. On the 'Job seeking preferences' menu, choose 'Job application settings'.

  3. Turn on the 'Save resumes and answers' button.

  4. Click 'Upload' under 'Default resumes' and select your file.

Option 3: Easy Apply

This option allows you to apply directly to jobs you find advertised on LinkedIn, with your information being sent directly to the recruiting company. To use this feature:

  1. Click the 'Easy Apply' button at the top of the job posting. (Some jobs have an 'Apply' button only, which is different and takes you to an external website.)

  2. Input the required information. If you've saved a CV as described in option two, you can select this and proceed. Otherwise, there will be an 'Upload resume' button which you can use to select and upload the relevant file.

  3. If you're happy that you've included the right information and uploaded the correct file, click 'Submit' ‒ job done!

Whichever of these options you choose, remember that a detailed LinkedIn profile is key to supporting your job hunt. A CV upload is no substitute for a full profile ‒ just a complement to it.

Should you upload your CV to Linkedin?

Whilst there are a number of ways to effectively include your CV on your LinkedIn profile, it is not necessarily common practice. Therefore, as you brainstorming how to include your CV on your LinkedIn profile, it's worth asking yourself if you should do it at all.

Here are some of the reasons uploading your CV to LinkedIn may actually work against you.

Confidential details become public

There are details on a CV that you may prefer not to share in a public space. From a personal point of view, your location, phone number, email address and personal history suddenly become public property.

With equally damaging potential are details that you share about previous employers. If your CV contains sensitive financial or operational detail, you risk alienating recruiters with your inability to maintain confidentiality. Past employers in your network are also likely to be unimpressed.

If you do choose to upload your CV, take the time to review it first and remove any sensitive details.

Everyone will know you're job hunting

Most people, unless already unemployed, prefer to be discreet and keep their job search under wraps. By posting an up-to-date CV online, you're broadcasting your intentions to the world.

A decent LinkedIn profile is standard for those taking their career seriously ‒ a finely tuned and current CV says much more! It signals a move from simply being open to new opportunities to actively looking for your next role.

You miss the chance to put your best foot forward

Every CV should be tailored specifically to the role you're applying for, in order to show how your skills and experience align with the exact requirements of the position. By uploading a generic CV to LinkedIn, you're missing out on the opportunity to present the very best version of you to each recruiter. It's better to lure them with a top-level overview on your LinkedIn profile and then send a more detailed (and tailored) CV following initial contact.

You lose control

When you upload your CV to LinkedIn, anyone will be able to view and download it. Some people will feel more comfortable with that than others!

You also miss the opportunity to update it with recent changes before a recruiter sees it, and, with everything presented to them on a plate, it's just one more reason for them to dismiss you without even contacting you for further information.

Of course, your CV should be designed to be share-worthy and to attract the attention of recruiters, so if you're happy to relinquish that level of control, maybe this won't be an issue for you.

Recruiters won't find you on the strength of your CV alone

LinkedIn is used by recruiters to source candidates for open positions, which they can do by searching profiles for skills aligned with their vacancy. If you choose to upload your CV instead of filling out your profile in full, you're significantly reducing your chances of being found.

LinkedIn search algorithms are biased towards job titles, experience and location as written in your profile ‒ uploaded media is not taken into account. Therefore, a CV upload is no substitute for a well-written LinkedIn profile.

It's superfluous

If you already have a well-constructed LinkedIn profile, you'll just be duplicating information by uploading your CV. Your profile should already contain key information that makes recruiters want to find out more about you ‒ why would they want to trawl through the same information again on your CV? What more will it add, other than the confidential information mentioned above? If you apply for a job via LinkedIn, the recruiter will see a copy of your profile anyway.

Making the choice

Your CV and LinkedIn profile, although having obvious overlaps, are different media for different purposes and contain slightly different information. It's your decision on whether or not to upload your CV to your LinkedIn profile, but we advise you to bear in mind the points above before automatically clicking the upload button.

Whether or not you upload your CV to LinkedIn, it needs to be well-written if you want to land a job. Get a free CV review for expert feedback on your document.

This article was updated in July 2020. It was originally written by Amanda Augustine.

Recommended Reading:

  • CV versus LinkedIn profile writing: What exactly is the difference?

  • LinkedIn tips to jumpstart your job search

  • The worrying LinkedIn mistakes you could be making

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