Easy Facts Long Ago About Delaware for Kids

Discover a few fun facts about the state of Delaware!

Did you know that historians believe that the state of Delaware was first discovered in 1609?  Yes, an English man by the name of Henry Hudson reached the waters of Delaware that year.

Soon after, English, Dutch, and Swedish colonists began to settle on the land.

In 1610, the land was given the name Delaware, after the governor of Virginia, Lord De La Warr.  Years later, in 1787, Delaware became the first state to sign the US Constitution.

This is also how Delaware got its nickname:  The First State!

Fun Facts About Delaware

Let's learn some more interesting facts about Delaware state!

Facts for Kids About Delaware

Delaware is a Small State

The state of Delaware is actually the second smallest state in the country. It stretches almost 100 miles long and is about 36 miles wide at its widest point.

Even though it is a very small state, there are a lot of people living in Delaware.  The population of the tiny state is roughly 990,334 people!  Wow!

Delaware only Has 3 Counties

The little state of Delaware has a total of 3 counties:  New Castle, Kent, and Sussex.  Delaware has the least amount of counties compared to all of the other states!

Fun Facts About Delaware

There are 3 State Forests in Delaware

Delaware has 3 state forests within its borders.  Actually, there is a forest in each one of Delaware's three counties.  Neat!

Blackbird Forest, Taber Forest, and Redden Forest together make up more than 19,000 acres of protected land.

Delaware state forests are important for many reasons such as monitored timber production, wildlife habitat preservation, and recreational fun like hiking, camping, and more!

The State Bird of Delaware is the Blue Hen

The Blue Hen is a type of rooster that is downed with blue feathers.

In 1939, the Blue Hen was officially adopted as the state bird.  In fact, some people even refer to Delaware as the "Blue Hen State."

Fun Facts About Delaware

Delaware Is Home to a Unique Firefly

Known as the Bethany Beach firefly, this twinkling insect can only be found along the southern coastlines of Delaware.

It was believed to have disappeared for about 40 years but has been seen again recently.  The Bethany Beach firefly has a distinctive double green flash that sets them apart from other fireflies.

There's a Monster Race Track in Delaware

The Monster Mile is another name for the famous race car track at Dover International Speedway.

A number of NASCAR events, as well as other Indy races are held at the Monster Mile throughout the year.

Miles the Monster is the popular mascot of the Monster Mile.  A huge statue of Miles stands right outside of the race track to welcome visitors.  He is 46 feet tall, holds a full-size race car in his hand, and his eyes glow red at night!  How cool is that?

Dover Days is a Popular Delaware Festival

The Dover Days Festival celebrates the history and culture of the state of Delaware once a year.

Featuring parades, hot air balloon rides, traditional Maypole dancing, and historical reenactments, this annual celebration is dedicated to honoring Delaware's heritage.

Fun Facts About Delaware

Interesting Delaware Facts

There are many wonderful facts about Delaware!  Even though the First State isn't very big, it sure has a lot of incredible characteristics that make it special.

From its rich history and culture to its beautiful lands and water, one fact is for sure, and that is that Delaware is a great state!  Have you ever been to Delaware?

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Source: https://mamateaches.com/fun-facts-about-delaware/

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